Several EAFP-member institutions from Spain and Portugal participate in the COPHELA-project (funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU). COPHELA aims to develop and to do a pilot implementation of a COPHELA M.Sc. in pharmacy. By increasing specialisation and research in hospital, community and industrial pharmacy COPHELA will foster the development of pharmacy in Latin America. The short-term impact will be the production of pharmacy specialists adapted to the modern Latin American situation and the development of new learning tools and procedures.
In the past EAFP has initiated several other European projects:
Pharmine: Pharmacy Education in Europe (2008-2010) |
Phar-QA: Quality Assurance in European Pharmacy Education and Training (2012-2016) |
Phar-IN: Competences for industrial pharmacy practice in biotechnology (2014-2016) |
Profiles of pharmacy practice and pharmacy education in different European countries and the main results of the Phar-QA project can be found in the EEC-PET website.