The mission of EAFP is to lead advancement of pharmacy education and research to reflect developments in pharmacy and the needs of society.
To achieve this, EAFP:
- facilitates contacts and collaboration between university-level schools of pharmacy
- supports member faculties in their efforts to develop resources, effective methods of learning and teaching, balanced curricula and quality assurance of education by advice concerning internal and external evaluation and accreditation;
- develops harmonised European quality standards for the structure and outcomes of pharmacy education and to implement modifications arising from scientific and technological progress in the biomedical sciences and from new organizational structures in the health care system;
- facilitates exchanges for both students and faculty members;
- collaborates with European authorities and other partners involved in the organisation and the policy in the fields of pharmacy and health care;
- promotes collaboration and networking between fields of expertise in teaching and research in pharmacy faculties, schools or institutes throughout Europe;
- promotes joint research projects between academic institutions and the pharmaceutical industry;
- keeps members informed of developments in and around the European Union and facilitates the establishment of a common European Area of Higher Pharmacy Education and Research;
- maintains cohesion of its members by organizing regular meetings at European level and by publishing newsletters,
- cooperates with national or international organisations in relevant fields.