The annual conference 2013 was held in Ankara (Turkey) from 16-18 May.
”Curriculum Optimization, Towards Learning Outcomes: Practical Experiences”
Scroll to the bottom of this page to see the conference proceedings!
Conference proceedings
(click on the presenter’s name to open the presentations).
Session 1: What are Learning Outcomes?
Andries Koster (the Netherlands): How to use learning outcomes for curriculum development
Peep Veski (Estonia): Learning outcomes for undergraduate and postgraduate pharmacy studies
Lilian M. Azzopardi (Malta) : Supporting students to develop lifelong learning skills
Eyad Qunaibi (Jordan): Pharmacy clinical course incorporating home medication reviews
Session 2: Preparing Students for new Pharmacy Services
Buket Aksu (Turkey): New horizons of pharmacy in 21st century
Julienne Johnson (UK): Reflections on clinical pharmacy aspects of curriculum development
Arman Uney (Turkey): Pharmacy and professional continuing education
Sibel Suzen (Turkey): Developments in pharmacy education in Turkey
Session 3: Achieving new Learning Outcomes with Innovative Teaching Methods
Annemarie Heersche (the Netherlands): GIMMICS: a bridge between academic learning and community pharmacy
Ruth E. Nemire (USA): The technology conundrum in health professions education
Session 4: Translating Competences into the Curricula
Jeffrey Atkinson (Pharmine, France): Quality assurance of competences
Isabel Waltering (Germany) : Medication review and clinical pharmacy in community pharmacies, a new training for pre-registration students
Alice Ceacareanu (USA): Addressing forecasted oncologist shortage: A cancer education program for pharmacy students
Belma Kocer (Turkey) : National accreditation board for pharmacy education in Turkey
Session 5: Lifelong Learning as a Learning Outcome
Giuseppe Ronsisvalle (Italy): Pharmacy continiung professional development: Professional vs managerial vs cross-functional skills – A difficult blending
Jouni Hirvonen (Finland) Working-life relevant curriculum development – Defining the learning outcomes in collaboration with faculty members, pharmacy students and external stakeholders
Arzu Onay-Besikci (Turkey) : Using drugs rationally: What did we learn? How do we utilize our knowledge
Erem Bilensoy (Turkey): EUFEPS for Pharmaceutical sciences education, training, collaboration and policy
Ronnie Hansson (Sweden): What do we know about our students and how can we use that knowledge?
International Student Session: Expectations of Students from Pharmacy Education
Tija Metiainen (EPSA, President): EPSA educational portfolio
Jorge Batista (EPSA, Vice President of Education): Expectations of pharmacy students
Radoslaw Mitura (IPSF, President): IPSF and its educational efforts
Burcu Kelleci (H.U. Faculty of Pharmacy, student): Pharmacy education in Turkey
Göktuğ Mert Karalti (A.U. Faculty of Pharmacy, TPAYC President, student): Expectations of pharmacy education
Enver Kaan Atikeler (A.U. Faculty of Pharmacy, Postgraduate student): Graduate opportunities for pharmacy students